Jun 29, 2020
As we grow in the love of the Father and in the revelation of the finished work of Christ we will also grow in our love for the body of Christ. When we see the church through the eyes of the Father we will see the new creation. Jesus loves His church and He wants to share that love with us so that we can manifest His...
Jun 29, 2020
The Father blesses us not because we deserves it, but because He is good. When we learn to live our life in the light of His goodness our life will be filled with gratefulness over His love and goodness. There is no place for competition, jealousy and comparison in the Kingdom of God, because everything is given to...
Jun 22, 2020
Jesus Christ is heavens resounding yes to us. All of Gods promises has been given to us in Christ. We are called to respond to that by saying yes back to Him. Your yes to Gods will is what will manifest the new life that you have in Christ. When we have a yes to God in us and our hearts are available to Him all things...
Jun 22, 2020
Jesus har inte bara avskaffat djävulen för all makt och myndighet, utan också tystat varje anklag som frigör oss från skuld och fördömelse. Den Helige Ande ger övertygelse men han anklagar inte. När vi får uppenbarelser om detta ger det oss mycket frihet och det kommer att hjälpa oss att hålla kontakten med...
Jun 15, 2020
Living free from condemnation is one of the greatest gifts of our new life in Christ. It opens up a totally new future for us full of glorious freedom. This is why Jesus said and still is saying: Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.